Home page

All the learner’s Blendedx courses and mobile Learning Channels are available in the application.
The learner can view the courses online or offline (after download).
The home page shows 2 horizontal sliders:
    Recently viewed: Contains the list of recently viewed courses sorted by last launch date.
    To discover: Contains the list of courses not started yet sorted by registration date.
Click on More to view more courses.

Course view

Swipe to find the desired course and click on it.

The learner accesses the training course download settings by clicking on and going to download.
Click on to download the whole step or to download resources one by one.

Icons definition:
    : Upload in progress.
    : Uploaded resource that can be viewed offline.

Once downloaded, the resources can be viewed offline by clicking on the icon in the bottom of the path picture:

To delete the downloaded resources, make a long click on a resource and select the tick box.
From the Blendedˣ burger menu (), the learner can go back to the home page through All training courses menu. 

Search function

Search is available for trainings and resources:
    Various dynamic filters can be selected.
    User sees if more results are found in another language.

Application settings

To manage the settings, click on .

Here the download preferences can be managed and all downloaded resources can be deleted in one click.

If several downloads are launched while not having the iPhone charging through USB and the screen is locked (manually or automatically) then iOS will notice these 2 factors and will optimize the battery by stopping the ongoing downloads. 

Downloaded resources
To view all downloaded resources, select Downloaded resources menu in the setting page.
All downloaded resources appear, sorted by training course.

To view a resource: click on the icon .
To view a training course: click on details.