1. Statistics

This report is available for all types of contents. The statistics are histograms with history access to the content.
Access path:
Design & Administrate
Image Placeholder 
Learning resources > Search for learning resources. Click on the learning resource to access its record.
In the subtab Reports, click on the link View statistics

Image Placeholder

2. List of learners who have accessed the learning resource

All reports that can be exported in Excel format display a progress bar when the export is launched: this bar allows us to follow the progress of the export if a large number of lines is exported. Exports listed in My reports link in the right margin are available for 72 hours 
For more information see Administration interface 
This report is available for all types of contents. This is a table with details on learners having access to the learning resource and their progress on the learning resource.
Access path:
Design & Administrate
Image Placeholder 
Learning resources > Search for learning resources. Click on the learning resource to access its record.
In the subtab Reports, click on the link Access the list of learners who have accessed this learning resource

Image Placeholder